Homestead Trail, Rockefeller Forest
    The Douglas Iris ranges from light to dark purplish blue, though the yellow and white colors can sometimes become prominent. The Douglas Iris is one of many beautiful varieties of wildflower that can be found in the Humboldt region. A few more of my favorites can be found below.

California Poppies in a breeze, Old Town
Trilliums in bloom, Sequoia Park
Redwood Sorrel, Sequoia Park
Redwood sorrel is found in moist forests and requires a low level of ambient lighting so it is perfectly suited for the Douglas-fir and Coast Redwood forest. When the sun shines directly onto sorrel, it folds its leaves downward like an umbrella in a matter of minutes, so one could actually see the movement. Flowers bloom throughout spring and summer from purple to white.
Sea Fig, Manila Dunes
Azalea flowers, Ladybird Johnson Grove
Rhododendrons, often called "Rhoddies", are found in redwood groves like Sequoia Park and Ladybird Johnson, and offer a burst of color, from dark red to white, amid the usual green waves of sorrel and sword fern.

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