The Humboldt Made Fair, at Redwood Acres, a mere couple minutes down the road from where we live, began today and the first few hours it was open it was totally free. There were barns for farm animals on one side of the fairgrounds, carnival rides on the other far end, and in the middle were all manner of crafts produced by the fine artisans of this county. One room was dedicated to trains and there were several railroad tracks set up that spanned the perimeter of the room, surrounded by an ornate replica of this area, including redwood trees and entire towns. There were wood-carvers set up in many of the booths, whose talents ranged from carving instruments to clocks, doors, bowls, puzzles, and everything in-between. There were also weavers, fortune-tellers, miners, and a melange of other interesting Humboldt characters. Eric took me on the Ferris Wheel and we saw a tiger, a baby lion, and a wallaby.

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